Professional Certifications & Training
Working in the field of human relations demands continuous advancement in keeping up with new knowledge and research, to add to the toolkit that will ultimately serve the people and the communities that I work within.
SCHS - Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
Professional Registration
Speciality: Psychology
Category: Assistant
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CDWF - Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator issued by Brené Brown Education and Research Group (BBEARG)
As a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, I am able to train four courses: Rising Strong™, BOLD™, Daring Greatly™, and The Gifts of Imperfection™, which is all derived from the Brené Brown Education and Research Group (BBEARG). With this credential I am able to train the content and have access to the materials and the full program.
CDTLF - Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator issued by Brené Brown Education and Research Group (BBEARG)
With the PCC credential, I was able to apply to become a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator to teach the course that is based on Dr Brené Brown’s years of research on leadership, daring versus armored leadership, vulnerability & courage, trust-building, empathy, connection and shame resilience. Without the credential, I am not able to train this material.
PCC - Professional Certified Coach issued by ICF International Coaches Federation
The PCC is the second credential, after the ACC and before the MCC. Once a coach is accredited as PCC, he/she can access high professional coaching communities that only accept people with this credential.
CPCC - Certified Professional CoActive Coach issued by CTI - Coaches Training Institute.
This credential facilitates applying to get my global coach credential from the world’s largest organizing body for coaching worldwide ICF.